Thursday, March 29, 2007

Session Lucky no7

The directories are a great resource. Also liked all the tools for notetaking.
I don't feel very articulate right now, but will get back to this blog and be a tad more expressive at a later date.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Wiki fun

We worked on wikis tonight after reading picture books for older children. Both activities were wicked fun, although our book was certainly not fun-ny.
Also learned new methods for searching for info. online and am still reeling from the shock of Edgar's incest. As always, an info packed class with lots of tips for technology that his really advancing my techno prowess!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Session 4

Minerva and Marvel are eye opening, proof positive of the film we watched on technology the first day. I quickly realized on Marvel, that I need to work on this a lot more.
A lot of aspects of technology that are daunting at first (even e-mail), become second nature. In order to stay in this century, I want to learn to be a hunter and gatherer of info.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Session 3

This was a great class. I'm shocked that it has not been a prerequisite to all our district work....but then again.
Starting with the evaluation makes me really think about the big picture and staying with the essential question as my umbrella. It helps focus me which will help focus my students, I have no doubt.I sometimes worry that I will take the intuitive process out of art making, the part where you get in a sort of zone, if I get too specific. This
way of thinking though, is the opposite of creativity killing. I think it provides a structure that so many kids need to focus and motivate.It then keeps it tied in to the thought provoking part (the essential question)
I also very much appreciate the practical computer use I'm learning as we take this class.
Thanks Connie and Steve!!

Monday, March 5, 2007

what I did on my snow day

The essential question really is ,why does Charlie think he is so cool just because he is a little faster on the ol' keyboard and maybe with a few of the prompts and a couple of the tools???
Today I learned about the Essential question. I like, and will use some of the worksheets. Even if Charlie can print them faster, I can still be a player in this game of technology.

Friday, March 2, 2007


LeeAnne's blog is active!
