Monday, March 5, 2007

what I did on my snow day

The essential question really is ,why does Charlie think he is so cool just because he is a little faster on the ol' keyboard and maybe with a few of the prompts and a couple of the tools???
Today I learned about the Essential question. I like, and will use some of the worksheets. Even if Charlie can print them faster, I can still be a player in this game of technology.


Charlie said...

Bite Me!

skoelker said...

Friendly competition is good. But if biting is going to happen you two will get a time out.

Think not about the technology and your mad or not-so mad skills. It's really about teaching, you know. And you're good at that...:)


Mrs. Burns said...

Hey, Charlie: remember that not much is private on the web! Guess we can figure out who the the middle school teachers are:-)
Technology is just a tool, LeeAnne. It's always ahead of all of us. I think you'll learn a lot and find ways to apply it. I appreciate your good questions in class.
See you on Thursday,