Monday, April 23, 2007

11th session

I liked making the name tent. I Need to build up a picture file so I have things to pull from. The web page is giving us trouble so I am blogging. I am going to be working on my rubric for the final project tomorrow (in the 11th hour.) Still making changes as I teach the lesson I outlined, some things woking and some not. I'm learning as I go and plan to get this lesson refined by learning from the mistakes I'm making now. Asking the kids for input is helpful too. They do seem to know a lot of the terminology for the Big 6 which is encouraging. It is spreading !!!

1 comment:

skoelker said...

Always bumps in the road to new things. That's what I was trying hard to model by introducing Google Page Creator and nearly ripping my paltry shock of hair out in front of you all...:) (yeah, I knew that would happen and we'd waste the whole last hour...)
But we "soldier on," eh? Glad you are refining the project and seeing some good stuff.
