Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Adding info...delicious

Yet another source for a wealth of information. I have to say, while this has all been infinitely useful in helping me be more facile with the computer AND defining tasks,organizing etc, I can not imagine having time to just sit and cruise on all these sights. Now a few years ago, I couldn't imagine having a use for e-mail. I rely heavily on it presently both personally and professionally. I know in time, I will be able to use this stuff a lot for lesson planning, but sometimes I feel freaked by the amount of time necessary just to go through a fraction of the possible sources and then to evaluate what is the BEST source for whatever the problem to be solved puruse articles and sights efficiently without always looking over my shoulder thinking I could have found even more. It's overwhelming really. This class, while helping me to organize, also emphasizes the gajillions of possibilities which can be, for a certain breed of us, almost paralyzing.

1 comment:

Mrs. Burns said...

There is a lot of information and a lot to learn, Lee, but don't let it paralyze you! Take small steps; that's all any of us can do. I know you will be doing some PowerPoints with students. And I have seen that you have become more comfortable just using the computer. So, you have learned a lot. I hope you have had some fun, too.
Enjoy vacation.