Monday, April 9, 2007

More Power

The power point tricks are very cool. I'm starting to see why people can spend hours on the computer. It will take practice, but it's all fun.
Also thinking about how going back to the Essential Question again and again can bring me back on track for which path to take.
It's still light out and only a little more snow is expected for April. What more could we ask for????

1 comment:

skoelker said...

Yeah, still a great program, as is Keynote, it's Apple cousin. I can see kids using cameras to create portfolios of work in your class, turning them into Keynotes and posting them on the internet, which is really quite simple. Please do keep messing with it. The concepts are the same in both programs, though the buttons to click on are different.
Holy mackeral - more snow!! I guess this makes up for the 50 degree January days.
